The production functionality allows you to build, assemble, bundle your products and vice versa.
Thus, you define the input (raw materials) and output products (finished products) whose stocks will be incremented and decremented at the end of the production process.
To illustrate this tutorial, we will take the example of producing a bottle of 33 cL of Coca-Cola. The elements we need to make it are:
- An empty bottle,
- A bottle cap,
- A cuvée of Coca-Cola.
Prerequisite: in order to launch a production, first you must have created the input and output products of the process and the type of production.
From the web
The creation of the products:
To use the Production functionality, you first need to create all the products. See our tutorial about the creation of products.
We create our 4 products: the empty bottle, the bottle cap, the cuvée of Coca-Cola (raw products) and the bottle of 33 cL of Coca-Cola (finished product):
You can adjust the quantities of these products based on your stocks, the finished product can remain at 0 until it has been produced.
Create a production type:
To transform your raw products into finished products, click on "Production" and on "New type of build" in the left side navigation pane :
Next, you can enter information relating to the production type: reference, code, production cost, duration, etc. Then you need to select the raw products and their quantities in the "Input" case. For our example, we need 1 empty bottle, 1 bottle cap and 33 cL of Coca-Cola:
In the "Output" case, select the finished product and add the quantity you can produce with the raw materials. Here, a 33 cL Coca-Cola bottle.
Once all those steps are completed, you can validate. Then it's possible to launch a production of this type.
(When you launch a new production, you can manually adjust the quantities of raw materials required and add an input or output product. It can be useful for custom productions. )
Launch a new production
To launch a new production, click on "Production" and then on "New build" in the left side navigation pane:
A new window opens. Choose the location on which you perform the production, the production type and the quantity you want to produce. The "capacity" shows you how much parts you can produce depending of your current stocks of raw materials on the selected site. You can choose to craft a product or un-craft it using the arrows below.
The input and output products and their quantities are taken from the selected production type. If needed, you can adjust the quantities and add products manually.
For each input product, you can choose the location from which the quantity will be taken, add other locations and choose the batch to consume if traceability is enabled. For the output product, you can choose the location where it will be stored, add other locations and define a batch (existing or new).
Once production has been validated, stocks of raw materials and finished products are updated.
Find your production:
To find your production, click on "Production" and then on "List production jobs" in the left side navigation pane:
Then you can find the line of your production :
You can consult the details by clicking on the following button :
From the mobile app
You need to first create the necessary products for your production.
Production types must be configured on the web.
Launch a production
To launch a new production, you can use the scanner function to scan directly the barcode of the production type you want to launch.
You can also click on "Production" on the home screen:
You can then select the site on which you want to launch the production, choose the production type and the quantity you want to produce. As on the web, you can choose to craft a product or un-craft it, select the locations from which the raw materials are taken and the batch if traceability is enabled, select the location where the finished product is stored and add a batch if necessary.
The "Capacity" field indicates the quantity of products that can be produced with the stocks of raw materials that you have on the selected site:
By clicking on the button on the top right, you validate the production and update the stocks of raw materials and finished products.
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