Create a new rental and manage the existing ones : avoid stockouts or overbooking while following the status of your equipments.
From the web
To create a new rental, click on "Loans/Rentals" and then on "New rental" :
A form is displayed on the screen. You have to start with selecting the site on which you rent the product. You can then choose if the rental is for a client/project or internally by checking or unchecking this field :
The status of your rental is displayed at the top of your screen at every step :
Select the product(s) concerned by the rental with their quantity :
Save and validate your rental :
Once your rental is validated, its status change for "Prepare" :
To start the preparation of the rental, click on "Prepare" at the end of the page :
You can then prepare your product and validate the quantities :
The status of the rental is now "In Progress" :
To validate the delivery of the rental, click on "Receipt" at the end of the page :
You can validate which products have been delivered, undelivered, damaged or partially delivered :
Once the rental is validate, its status change for "Finish" :
You can access the list of your rentals anytime by clicking on "Loans/Rentals" and then on "List rentals" to update the status of your rentals :
From the mobile app
To create a new rental from the mobile app, click on "Loans/Rentals" and then on "Create rent" in the home screen :
A form is displayed on the screen. You have to start with selecting the site on which you rent the product. You can then choose if the rental is for a client/project or internally by checking or unchecking this field :
To add products to the rent, click on the "Products" tab and then click on the "+" button :
Select the quantity for each product and validate :
The status of the rent is now "Prepare", access the list of your rentals to update the status. Click on "Loans/Rentals" and then on "List rent" :
Click on the line of your rental and then on the "edit" button :
Then click on the button at the top right of the screen, and click on "Preparation". You can then prepare the products manually or using their barcodes :
Validate your preparation :
To validate the delivery of the rental, click on the button at the top right of the page, and then click on "Reception" :
Validate the reception of the rental, the status of your rental is now "Finish" :
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