Create new equipments and manage your equipment catalogue : add barcode, control dates and other informations.
From the web
Create a new equipment :
To create a new equipment, go to the left side navigation pane, click on "Equipments" and then on " + " next to "Equipment" :
Scan the bar code of the item with the scanner by clicking on the red button. You can also enter it manually in the "Code" box :
To add a picture related to the equipment, you just have to click on the "Add" button at the right of your screen. Download your picture and save :
Next, you need to fill in the information about your equipment. Only the "Label" cell is compulsory, but you can add any information you wish in the other cells (Reference, Date of purchase, etc.)::
The more informations you fill in, the more the search will be optimized.
Once you have filled all the informations, don't forget to save :
Equipment list :
Once your equipment is created, you can find it by clicking on "Equipment " on the "Equipment" menu :
The Equipment list window can be used to perform various operations :
- Search for equipments with their bar code, reference or label
- Filter results by status (operational, to fix, under reparation, destroyed/broken)
- Adjust stocks with the
- View informations about your product by clicking this button :
- Edit informations about your product by clicking this button :
- The "Location" section shows the quantity of equipment in stock and its location.
- The "Documents" section lets you add images or documents relating to your equipment, such as technical data sheets.
- The "Activities" section allows you to consult the inventory movements of your equipment. You can also search by reference
- The "Orders" section allows you to consult the order history of your equipment. You can also search by part number
- In the "Details" section, you can view information about your equipment, its characteristics and stock levels, etc.
- The "Settings" section allows you to activate or deactivate the traceability of your equipment.
- Duplicate a piece of equipment by clicking on this button :
From the mobile app
To create a new equipment from the mobile app, go to the "Equipments" menu to access the list of equipment, and then click on the "+" button at the top right of the screen :
The equipment creation form will appear on your screen. You can add a label, an image, or other information such as the supplier and the equipment reference :
Once you have finished creating the equipment, you can find it in the list of equipment, which can be accessed from the home screen by clicking on "Equipment". If you wish to edit a piece of equipment, simply click on it, and you will then be able to edit the same categories as on the web :
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