Monstock enables you to monitor your equipment and obtain its location and status using the IOT (Internet Of Things).
To access the tracking page of your equipemnts, open the "Equipemnts" tab on the left side navigation pane, then click on "Monitoring equipment" :
The equipment monitoring page is now displayed :
This page gives you access to :
- A map showing the equipments you can locate. By clicking on the point corresponding to a equipment, you can obtain information such as the name of the equipment, its reference, its status, its owner and the date of its last activity:
To view the equipment file, click on "Details". You can also view the equipment's activity history by clicking on "Activities".
- A graph summarizes the statuses of all your equipments, to allow you to get an overview on the statuses of your assets :
You can select a part of the graph with you mouse to get the proportion of your equipments that have this status :
- The list of your assets for the IOT tracking :
This list gives you an overview of the quantity and status of your equipment in stock.
To access to the details of the equipment, click on the following button :
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