Create and manage security groups to set up the access rights of the users.
To access security groups, open the administration tab by clicking on the following button :
Then click on "Users and rights" to display the menu, then click on "Groups" :
You get the list of your security groups :
- To consult a group, click on this button :
- To edit a group, click on this button :
- To delete a group, click on this button :
- To create a group, click on this button :
When the edit window is displayed, you can enter its label, and add a description if you want.
You can then choose the different rights that you grant to this group, and directly add users to the group from this window. To display the list of all the rights you can grant to your users, click on "List rights" :
The rights that you assign to a group condition the appearance of certain menus or not in the left side pane. For example, if you do not assign any rights regarding customer sales in a group, all the people contained in this group will not have access to the "Customer sales" menu.
Here is a complete list of the rights you can administer:
- Administration of the solution
- Product creation
- Product edition
- Remove products
- Product consulting
- Creation of moves and transfers
- Edition moves and transfers
- Deleting moves and transfers
- Consultation trips and transfers
- Creating contacts (customers, suppliers, etc.)
- Editing contacts (customers, suppliers, etc.)
- Deleting contacts (customers, suppliers, etc.)
- Contacts Consultation (customers, suppliers, etc.)
- Create purchase orders
- Edition purchase orders
- Removal of purchase orders
- Consultation of purchase orders
- Management receipts suppliers
- Create sales order
- Edition customer orders
- Removal of customer orders
- Consultation of customer orders
- Preparation of customers orders management
- Creating inventory
- Editing Inventory
- Deleting inventory
- Viewing inventory
- add products to the inventory
- Creation of Branchs / sites
- Edition Branchs / sites
- Removing Branchs / sites
- Consultation Branchs / sites
- Creating location
- Editing location
- Removing location
- Viewing location
- Reporting
- Inventory correction
- Creating queries
- Query Edition
- Removing query
- Query consultation
- Creating equipment
- Editing equipment
- Removing equipment
- Viewing equipment
- Creating type of manufacturing
- Edition type manufacturing
- Remove type of manufacturing
- Consultation type of manufacturing
- Manufacturing
- Purchase price consultation
- Modification of purchase price
- Sales price consultation
- Modification of sales price
- Consulting sales amount
- Consulting purchase amount
- Inventory correction - In
- Inventory correction - Out
- Inventory correction - Gift
- Inventory correction - Adjustment
- Inventory correction - Return
- Inventory correction - Break
- Inventory correction - Buy
- Inventory correction - Sell
- Dashboard
- Print Tags
- Traceability
- Categories and Tags
- Validation of supplier orders
- Validation of customer orders
- Manage variants
- Create booking
- Edit booking
- Delete booking
- View booking
- Create rent
- Edit rent
- Delete rent
- View rent
- Create Field Service Management
- Edit Field Service Management
- Delete Field Service Management
- View Field Service Management
- Manage Import_Export
- Control Equipments
- Manage stock level Min-Max
- Create Artificial Intelligence Sales Forecasts
- Edit Artificial Intelligence Sales Forecasts
- Delete Artificial Intelligence Sales Forecasts
- View Artificial Intelligence Sales Forecasts
- View stock level Min-Max
- Create Handling Unit
- Edit Handling Unit
- Delete Handling Unit
- View Handling Unit
- Manage products status
- Manage supplier invoice reconciliation
- View supplier invoice reconciliation
- Prepare rent
- Receipt rent
- Prepare transfer
- Receipt transfer
- Create document management system
- Update document management system
- Delete document management system
- View document management system
- View all Field Service Management
- View planning salesorder
- View planning purchaseorder
- View planning build
- View planning stocks
- Rent validation
- Book validation
- Move validation
- Transfer validation
- Create Wave
- Update Wave
- Delete Wave
- View Wave
- Validate drive delivry
- Validate click and collect delivry
- Validate customer delivry
- Pick customer handling unit
- Validate reverse logistics
- Create issue
- Validate issue
- View stock level of source branch in transfer mode
- View stock level of destination branch in transfer mode
- Create transfer form source branch
- Create transfer form destination branch
- Modify quantity of products status
- Create Route
- Modify Route
- Delete Route
- View Route
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