Create new products and manage your product catalogue : add product reference, SKU and other informations to the file of your products.
From the web
Create a new product :
To create a new product, go to the left side navigation pane, click on "Products" ans then on " + " :
A form will appear on your screen, to fill in informations about your product. You can add the name of the product, pictures, and other informations about the supplier and the reference of the product :
You can then add the supplier of the product, assign a category and tags :
After that, you can fill in informations about purchase and sales prices :
Finally, you can add some informations about the characteristics of the product like the color, dimensions, weight, etc :
To finalize the creation of your product, don't forget to save :
Manage products :
To manage a product, go to the left side navigation pane, click on "Products" then on "Products " :
In products list, you can use search bars and filters to find a specific product using his label, reference, or scan code :
You can then do several actions :
- Visualize the product sheet by clicking on this button :
- Change informations about the product by clicking on this button :
- Delete a product by clicking on this button :
- Duplicate a product :
If you choose to change informations about a product, you will be able to :
- Specific the location and the branche of the product :
- Add documents like data sheets or pictures :
- Visualize the list of interactions with the products, and the orders :
- Check the details relating to your product ( Information, caracteristics, stock evolution etc ) :
- Set the traceability and the owner of the product :
Once the changes have been made, don't forget to save :
From the mobile app
Create a new product
To create a new product, go to the "Products" menu to access the products list, and click on the "+" button at the top right of the screen :
The form of creation of product will appear on your screen. You will be able to add a label, picture, or other informations like the supplier and the reference of the product. As on the web, you can add some categories and tags. You also can add informations about purchase and sales prices :
Don't forget to save your input with the button at the top right.
Manage the products
To manage a product, you need to go on the products list, by clicking on "Products" in the home screen, as seen above.
If you choose to change informations about a product, you will be able to :
- Specific the location and the branche of the product :
- Add documents like data sheets or pictures :
- Visualize the list of interactions with the products, and the orders :
- Adjust the inventory of the product :
- Add equivalents products :
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