Control your inventory and get the list of gaps with the possibility to filter the missing products.
From the web
Once you have created your inventory and inventoried all your products, go on the list of your inventories by clicking on "Stocks" and then on "Inventory" on the left side navigation pane :
Find your inventory and then click on "List of gap" at the end of the page to control the gaps noted by Monstock in your inventory :
The list of gaps is displayed, it compares the list of products to inventory with the list of the inventoried products. So that you can compare the quantity of products supposed to be in storage, their branches, locations and the lots with the quantity inventoried and notice the gaps :
To analyze the gaps, you can use three filters to differentiate the products that haven't be inventoried from products not found from inventory gap :
Once the control of your inventory is complete, click on "Validate" to finish this inventory.
Note : Once your inventory is complete, you can export the results in various formats (Excel, PDF, etc.)
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